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20 Sofas that beat this DFS tragedy (AND are cheaper)

OK, so I basically slated DFS on this Instagram post - oops, my bad but the fact is, I don't like DFS. It's not about budget shaming at all (like one person suggested - eek) it's not about being snobby, you know I love me some Ikea all day every day. It's because I don't generally like their designs and the sofas aren't even that cheap, so that's where I stand. Soz DFS, but you need to up your upholstery game.

There's SO many affordable options around so I thought I'd roll out a few that smash this ugly mofo out the park. And if you happen to have this particular model - what can I say, unfollow me now and hate me forever. Sorrryyyyyyyyyy.


Then here are the dark and moody ones - nothing says sophisticated like a bit of navy or charcoal velvet.

A B O U T 

I'm Rebecca, new mum to Jude. I like writing lists. These lists will have 6 points and consist of: 


80%  Interiors & my home 

15%  My life with a baby 

5%    Grammatical errors, spelling mistakes and general inaccuracies. 



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